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fashion tips

5 Items You Need To Remove From Your Closet

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27 August 2017

5 Items You Immediately Need To Remove From Your Closet

Minimalism is the word we Millennials love to throw around in our conversations and hashtags but it’s certainly not something we like to live by.

The truth is, we’re hoarders. We love to collect stuff (a lot of stuff) and it’s hard for us to let go. Old jeans, torn books, used tickets, dated gadgets, expired makeup, ripped dresses and the list goes on and on. In a twisted sense of self-worth, we equate materialistic ownership with contentment and confidence. Something that’s actually quite the opposite.

How Often Should You Wash Your Bra?

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15 June 2017

5 Bra Care Rules

According to Redbook mag, an average woman owns 9 pairs of bras and out of these, 6 are for regular use. Now compare this with the number of dresses or shoes you own and you’ll have the answer to who, in your closet, is your most trusted friend.

We, women tend to have a pretty intimate relationship with our bras. We stand united in tough times (hello PMS), we care for each other (remember those bumpy rides?), we’re more or less consistent, committed and secure in each other’s company. Heck, we even talk, sometimes.